Give me time

Our instincts sense our children's plea:

Give me time to play,
creativity takes time and is messy.
Tidying up can wait.

Give me time to explore.
The world is so new to me
and my curiosity is so full of wonder.

Give me time to figure things out by myself first.
It is by doing that all my senses engage
and my ingenuity reaches new heights.

Give me time to express my thoughts.
I have so much to say,
so many stories I imagine
but not enough words
to communicate them in adult-time.

Give me time to grow,
give me time to learn,
give me time to be.

Slow down
and see me flourish
on my own schedule,
on my own time.

Slow down,
quiet the noise
and follow your instincts,
they are naturally tuned into my soul,
my needs, my rhythm.

Slow down,
stay with me in the present,
our present.

Give me time,
give me patience,
give me your presence.
And allow yourself to live in childtime.



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Sunday, 19 May 2024