On Father’s Day

There is no doubt that, for the most part, it is mothers who are the defenders and promoters of natural parenting and learning. We are the pioneers and mothers of this movement in this precise time of history. But for many of us, it would be much more difficult or perhaps even impossible to do it without the support of our husbands and fathers of our children. It is thanks to them and their long work hours that many of us can stay home or work part-time in order to have the time and dedication that natural parenting and learning require from us. While some of them may still have many questions and fears about natural parenting and learning, just the fact of trusting our maternal instincts and contributing to this process by modeling behaviour are invaluable. So, thank you so much to all dads!

I know that I speak from a position of privilege because not all mothers have the support of their children's fathers on this path. But for those mothers who have taken the extremely hard work of being mothers and fathers at the same time, my deepest admiration and respect; today is your day too!

For those fathers who have taken the role of defending and promoting natural parenting and learning of their children, though not many but they do exist, or who work with us hand in hand, thank you so much! You are also the pioneers and fathers of this movement in this pressing time of history.

Happy Father's Day to all!



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Sunday, 19 May 2024